Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Deploy Python App Docker Container into Amazon EKS Cluster using Jenkins Pipeline | Containerize Python App and Deploy into EKS Cluster

We will learn how to automate Docker builds using Jenkins and Deploy into AWS EKS - Kubernetes Cluster. We will use Python based container application. I have already created a repo with source code + Dockerfile. The repo also have Jenkinsfile for automating the following:

- Automating builds using Jenkins
- Automating Docker image creation
- Automating Docker image upload into Docker registry
- Automating Deployments to Kubernetes Cluster

1. Amazon EKS Cluster is setup and running. Click here to learn how to create Amazon EKS cluster.
3. Setup Jenkins slave, install docker in it.
4. Docker, Docker pipeline and Kubernetes Deploy plug-ins are installed in Jenkins

5. Docker hub account setup in https://cloud.docker.com
6. Install kubectl on your instance

Step #1 -Make sure Jenkins can run Docker builds after validating per pre-requisites

Step #2 - Create Credentials for Docker Hub
Go to Jenkins UI, click on Credentials -->

Click on Global credentials
Click on Add Credentials

Now Create an entry for your Docker Hub account. Make sure you enter the ID as dockerhub

Step #3 - Create Credentials for Kubernetes Cluster
Click on Add Credentials, use Kubernetes configuration from drop down.

execute the below command to get kubeconfig info, copy the entire content of the file:
sudo cat ~/.kube/config

Enter ID as K8S and choose enter directly and paste the above file content and save.

Step #4 - set a clusterrole as cluster-admin

By default, clusterrolebinding has system:anonymous set which blocks the cluster access. Execute the following command to set a clusterrole as cluster-admin which will give you the required access.

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-system-anonymous --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=system:anonymous

Step # 5 - Create a pipeline in Jenkins
Create a new pipeline job.

Step # 6 - Copy the pipeline code from below
Make sure you change red highlighted values below:
Your docker user id should be updated.
your registry credentials ID from Jenkins from step # 1 should be copied

pipeline {
     agent {
         label 'myslave'
        environment {
        //once you sign up for Docker hub, use that user_id here
        registry = "your_docker_hub_user_id/mypython-app"
        //- update your credentials ID after creating credentials for connecting to Docker Hub
        registryCredential = 'dockerhub'
        dockerImage = ''
    stages {

        stage ('checkout') {
            steps {
            checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/akannan1087/myPythonDockerRepo']]])
        stage ('Build docker image') {
            steps {
                script {
                dockerImage = docker.build registry
         // Uploading Docker images into Docker Hub
    stage('Upload Image') {
         script {
            docker.withRegistry( '', registryCredential ) {
    stage ('K8S Deploy') {
        steps {
            script {
                    configs: 'k8s-deployment.yaml',
                    kubeconfigId: 'K8S',
                    enableConfigSubstitution: true

Step # 7 - Build the pipeline
Once you create the pipeline and changes values per your Docker user id and credentials ID, click on 

Step # 8 - Verify deployments to K8S

kubectl get pods

kubectl get deployments
kubectl get services

Steps # 9 - Access Python App in K8S cluster
Once build is successful, go to browser and load balance url along with port number mentioned above

You should see page like below:

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