Saturday, October 21, 2023

Fix for Kubernetes Deployment Error using helm chart | Error: kubernetes cluster unreachable: exec plugin: invalid apiversion ""

Error: kubernetes cluster unreachable: exec plugin: invalid apiversion ""


Root cause and fix:
Downgrading helm version to 3.8.2 would resolve the issue.

curl -L | bash -s -- --version v3.8.2

Monday, October 9, 2023

How to Recover Artifactory Admin password | Artifactory admin password unlock | Forgotten Artifactory Admin Password | How to Recover Artifactory admin password

Let's say you have forgotten Artifactory admin password. How to reset or retrieve Artifactory admin password? Here below are the steps for resetting Artifactory admin password:

Please follow the steps to recover Artifactory Admin password:


Steps to reset Artifactory Admin password:

1. Login to Artifactory instance. Navigate to below directory:

cd /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc

2. Create a file called bootstrap.creds under access directory

sudo vi access/bootstrap.creds

3.  Add  below entries:


4. Make sure the file has relevant permissions: 

sudo chmod 600 access/bootstrap.creds
sudo chown artifactory:artifactory access/bootstrap.creds

5. Restart Artifactory service (you need to stop the service first and then start again)
sudo systemctl stop artifactory.service
sudo systemctl start artifactory.service

6. Check the status if Artifactory is working fine
sudo systemctl status artifactory.service

7. You can also check the logs

sudo tail -f /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/log/artifactory-service.log

8. Now login with changed admin credentials

Watch steps in YouTube channel:

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Install JFrog Artifactory on Linux instance | Setup JFrog Artifactory on Ubuntu | Install JFrog Artifactory 7.X on Ubuntu 22.0.4

Artifactory is one of the popular binary repository managers. It is Java based open source tool, used for storing build artifacts and docker images.

Some of the key features of Artifactory:
  • Supports 27 different package types including helm charts, docker images regardless of tech stack.
  • A single source of truth for all your binaries
  • Integration with all CICD tools
  • role based authorization with teams to manage artifacts 
  • you can create local, remote and virtual repositories

Artifactory can be integrated with many Continuous integration and Continuous delivery tools. Artifactory is mainly used by Ant, Maven and Gradle build tools. Let us see how to install Artifactory on Ubuntu 22.0.4 using Deb packages.

  • VM needs to have at least 4GB RAM, for AWS choose at least medium instance type.
  • Default ports 8081 and 8082 needs to be opened. 8081 for Artifactory REST APIs. 8082 for everything else (UI, and all other product’s APIs).
Change Host Name to Artifactory
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname Artifactory

Update Ubuntu OS
sudo apt update

Add JFrog Artifactory APT repository
echo "deb xenial main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/artifactory.list

Import repository GPG key by running the following commands
curl -fsSL|sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/artifactory.gpg

Update the package
sudo apt update

Install Artifactory
sudo apt install jfrog-artifactory-oss -y
The above message should confirm Artifactory have been successfully installed.
Now let us start Artifactory service.

Start Artifactory 
sudo systemctl start artifactory.service
Create symbolic link
sudo systemctl enable artifactory.service

Check whether Artifactory is running?
sudo systemctl status artifactory.service

Press q to quit 

You can also check the logs

sudo tail -f /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/log/artifactory-service.log

Check if service is running locally on 8081 port

curl localhost:8081

Access Artifactory App
Go to browser and open public IP/DNS name along with port no:8081

You should see Artifactory welcome page, login with default username and password which is

After Login, click on Get started. 

Now reset admin password. enter as Admin1234/Admin1234

Skip for base URL and skip proxy setup
Click Next, click on Finish

That's it! Artifactory is setup successfully.

How to Integrate Artifactory and Jenkins?

You can watch the steps in details on our YouTube channel:

DevOps Bootcamp Oct 2024 Schedule | DevOps & AWS Azure Cloud Coaching by Coach AK | DevOps and Cloud Computing Online Classes

  (Lot of new topics covered like GitHub Actions, Helm, Prometheus and Grafana..) The DevOps requirements in the IT market space is expected...