Wednesday, January 2, 2019

How Git is different than other SCM tools - What is the difference between Git and SVN

Git is a very popular version control system. In fact, many teams are migrating their code from SVN or TFVC to Git. Git is completely works on distributed model.

Most of version control systems such as SVN, TFVC or CVS work on client-server model. After making code changes, when developers check-in the code changes, it goes to central server. All history is being maintained in a central server, not locally.

Whereas in Git, developers clone the remote repo into local machine which is called local repo. When they clone in local machine, all history is copied into local repo. After making code changes, when they commit the code, it goes into local repo with new version. Then they can push code changes into remote repo where it is available to others. Client and remote server will have full repository.


Here below is the difference Git and other control systems:

Repository type Distributed Centralized
Full History Local machine Central machine
Checkout They clone the whole repository and do locally changes Developer checkout working copy which is snapshot of a code
Work Offline Yes No
Branching and Merging Reliable, used often, supports fat forward merge and 3-way merge Reliable, use with caution
Operations speed Fast and most are local Network-dependent
Learning Curve Needs a bit time Relatively simple
Staging area Supported to stash the temporary changes and retrieve it back later Not supported
Collaboration model Repository-to-repository interaction Between working copy and central repo

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