Sunday, January 20, 2019

How to create EC2 instance using Puppet - How to provision EC2 instances in AWS using Puppet

Here below is the puppet code to provision an EC2 instance on AWS cloud.

ec2_instance { 'My EC2':
    ensure              => present,
    region              => 'us-east-2',
    image_id            => 'ami-916f59f4',
    instance_type       => 't2.micro',
    security_groups     => ['mySecurityGroup'],
    subnet              => 'subnet-aff937d5',
    key_name            => 'mykeyName',

ec2_securitygroup { 'mySecurityGroup':
  region      => 'us-east-2',
  ensure      => present,
  description => 'Security group for aws Ec2 instance',
ingress     => [{
    protocol => 'tcp',
    port     => 8080,
    cidr     => '',
    protocol => 'tcp',
    port     => 80,
    cidr     => '',
    protocol => 'tcp',
    port     => 22,
    cidr     => '',
  tags        => {
    tag_name  => 'mySecurityGroup',

And then execute the below command to create EC2 instance.
  sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet apply create-ec2.pp

Make sure you have access keys and secret keys downloaded from AWS.

sudo vi ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = ?
aws_secret_access_key = ?

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